The Remnants of Something Else, Zurich
Site specific multi channel audio piece, 1:25 mins
3 video monitors, film excerpts, 3 mins, 2010
Like footsteps, the words follow one after another, turning into harmonies
the ponderous silences echo and crash
Time to see
Time to hear
Rhythm of footsteps, rhythm of sight, rhythm of thought, rhythm of words
The piece makes audible what we are already in. The voices are intrusions which
make available to our ears what we already think, but do not yet know. Sound
is created, but you recreate it.
Intrusion becomes culture, stop and embrace it.
Intoxicate your hearing through your memories. Yellow jacket, yes…
An uncanny recollection sits under the belly awaiting its excavation
What have you lost? The artist changes the time. You are present.
The voices divert you from mechanical boredom
Spilling into the abyss.
[ironic detachment]
Cracks on sidewalks delicate like veins in leaves. Trace the line.
The artist interrupts your thought, you hear culture.
Trickling below your feet the snapshots reappear
Offshoots from the screen
Collision of thought resurrects sight
voices change your hearing. People walk, people follow
[skeleton of thought]
The artist is navigator, starting from an unstable point, the architecture of
produced memory changes and she must re measure. There is no fixed way.
Words overlap and provoke curiosity as an added element to the environment, the
words and sounds are carried with you. Nostalgia is superimposed on the noises.
Thinking changes course.
Text by Hannah Gruy